About Conference

About Conference

The World Veterinary Poultry Association (WVPA – India) and ICAR – National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology (ICAR-NIANP), Bengaluru will jointly host the WVPA (India) Conference 2024 on ‘Avian Health: Challenges and Opportunities’ during February 15-16, 2024 at the ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru. The conference will be held for two days and comprise of lead papers, poster presentations, student elocution and industry-scientists-farmers interface meeting. It will cover recent developments in avian health and management with the objective of identifying solutions to present and future obstacles in profitable poultry farming. Prominent authorities in the respective field will convene for a two-day conference to deliberate on emerging challenges and propose scientific and technological solutions. The topics to be covered include poultry housing environment, housing environment, nutrition, gut microbiome, innovative breeding approaches, antimicrobial resistance, product quality and processing, biosafety, and more.

In an effort to inspire and empower students to speak in front of scientific and industry experts, the conference will feature an inaugural student elocution competition that will focus on a pertinent subject matter within the realm of poultry production.

In February 2024, in an effort to infuse the delegates just before the WVPA (India) Conference with positive energy, a paid excursion to the historic city of Mysuru will be arranged.

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Technical sessions

Technical Session 1: Emerging Health Issues, AMR and Public Health
Technical Session 2: Nutrition and Gut Health
Technical Session 3: Innovative Approaches in Breeding, Product quality, Processing and Food safety
Technical Session 4: Student Elocution
Technical Session 5: Industry – Scientists – Farmers Interface Meeting

Poster presentation

Download the poster presentation template

Abstract submission

Abstract of the research paper, with title, name of author(s), address of the institution, main text, key words (maximum 05 words and alphabetically arranged) not exceeding 300 words. The abstract should consist of introduction, materials and methods, results, and conclusions (no individual headings). The text should have 1.5 line spacing and 12 font size in Times New Roman. All the abstracts must be submitted through email: [email protected] on or before 4th February, 2024. The authors need to mention under which theme the abstract is being submitted.

Student Elocution Competition

For the first time, a Student Elocution Competition will be held at the WVPA (India) Conference 2024. The Elocution Competition is open to all bona fide students pursuing master’s and doctoral degrees. The students will have to speak extempore for 7-10 minutes on the subject selected using the pick and choose method. A jury will assess the presentation and content. Interested students should send their details to Dr. S. Anandan, Principal Scientist at [email protected] (9482226331) through email.