The World Veterinary Poultry Association (WVPA India) is the Indian branch of global WVPA devoted to discussion and resolution of emerging issues in poultry health, welfare, disease, husbandry and food safety. It is a national professional body for poultry veterinarians and poultry professionals for the benefit of Indian Poultry industry. The world veterinary poultry association is a global professional association for poultry veterinarians and other avian health professionals.
The objectives of the association are:
- To organise meetings for studying disease and conditions relating to the avian species To encourage research in this field
- To promote the exchange of information and material for study between individuals and organisations in the avian species
- To establish and maintain liaison with other bodies with related interests
The World Veterinary Poultry Association (WVPA India) invites you for its WVPA India Conference 2025 on “Wings of Innovations: Flock Forward for Future Poultry Production” to be organized by Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Veterinary Education and Research (RIVER), Puducherry, India from February 27-28, 2025.
Poultry industry is one of the fast growing segments of the agricultural sector in India today. The total egg production in the country is 138.38 billion numbers during 2022-23. India ranks 3rd in the world in terms of total Egg production (Source: FAO). The egg production has increased by 6.77% as compared to previous year (2021-22). The percapita availability of egg is 101 eggs per annum. (Source: BAHS Statistics 2023, DAHD, Govt. of India). Poultry meat contributes around 51.5 % of the total meat production in India. The total poultry meat production in the country is 9.77 MT in the year 2022-23. The poultry meat production has increased by 5.13% in 2022-23. The per capita availability of poultry meat reached 7.10 Kg/annum for the year 2022-23 from 6.82 Kg/annum in the year 2021- 22. These statistics signifies the importance of poultry sector in the country.
To focus on the theme of the conference significant number of eminent academicians, scientists, poultry industry professionals, policy makers and students are likely to grace the event.