Poster Guidelines

Poster guidelines


Prepare a poster to present your research with a graphical approach and generate active discussion with your research findings. Posters should stimulate discussion, not give a long presentation. Therefore, please do not clutter the poster with too much text, emphasize graphics, and make sure every item in your poster is necessary. We appreciate use of more visuals like graphs, photos, schematic diagrams, maps etc.

Poster Themes

  • Poultry breeding and genetics
  • Biotic and abiotic stress and welfare
  • Gut health, feed additives and management
  • Disease surveillance and biosecurity
  • Emerging diseases of poultry and flock health
  • Autogenous & Recombinant vaccinology
  • Developments in poultry products technology

Design and Layout

The entire poster will be mounted on pin up board with blue velvet background. The total poster dimensions should not exceed 34 inches Width and 46 inches Height. The boards will be provided in portrait orientation. Thumb pins will be provided at the venue. The poster does not necessarily have to fill up the entire area.

Title of the poster, authors and affiliation should be at the top of the poster and centered. Lettering of the title should be large and in capital letters. Use at least 70 point font size for the title.

The text should be easily readable from 5′ distance. Minimum font size should be 18 points. The poster contents should generally read from left to right and top to bottom. Lay your poster sections in a logical order so that the delegates can follow your presentation.

Present numerical data preferably in graphs rather than using tables unless absolutely necessary. Please make sure that the visuals are self explanatory (Eg. Graph axes are properly labeled, visible and scaled. Legends and titles should accompany all figures, tables, photographs, etc. in order to allow their immediate identification. Use colors to enhance comprehension not to decorate the poster. Avoid overcrowding figures and cramming too many numbers into tables.

Keep the text brief. You may use bullet points in introduction and conclusion sections. Cite references for the sources of information other than your own. The cited references should be the last section in the poster.

During Symposium

Posters presentation will be arranged on 28th Feb 2020 and remain up the full day. The posters must be displayed throughout the day for the delegates to have a look and interact. Suitable timing would be provided during the conference for the poster presentations when no other sessions are scheduled. The presenting author is expected to be present to explain the poster during the designated poster session. During the poster session, all the posters will be judged for award in each session.

  • DATE

    February 28th, 2020

    Bengaluru, India


    International & National