Travel Grant


The WVPA (India) is offeringthe travel grant to attend the 2nd Conference of WVPA (India) to the selected students.

Grants for students are intended to assist members to attend the conference which, without the grant, they would not be able to do.

Grant applications must be submitted in the prescribed form and duly certified from the head of the department of college.

Terms & Conditions

  1. Grants for attendance at WVPA (India) conference will only be paid personally to the recipient at the conference
  2. The original to & fro tickets (actual bus fare or Max. AC 3 class rail fare) are required to produce.
  3. Registration in the conference will be mandatory to receive the travel grant.
  4. Please download and print the form, enter all your details and get it certified.
  5. Applications should be submitted to the organising secretary through email : [email protected] till 10th February 2023.
  • DATE

    24-25 Feb, 2023

    Jabalpur, India

    Hotel Pasricha

    International & National